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Hurt people hurt people series –8 – But God

But God.  Yes – but for God, it would all be different.

And but for Him, I thought I’d come to the end of this series. Apparently I hadn’t! Something told me – the back end, the backend of me.  Not my neither regions, thank you – but my internal operations. The inner workings, internal operations, the core, the backend – things happened there too. Think about it.  You changed.  Changed over the Hurting, had to change really to get through the Hurting like you did.  Think about it.

I remember it. High level anger. Item destroying, clothes rending rage. Yes I did – ripped up my Victoria Secrets [what we girls call the evening wear boubou or dirax], and was left starkers, in the middle of my living room. Thankfully I was alone – or not – I was preggers. What a sight. What a fury. I was madzers [read that word recently, had to use it] with more than fury – I do not know if there is a word to describe that level of ferocious I would get to. But that is gone now. It went with the realisation and knowledge that it wasn’t about me, it was all outside of me. I could not be furious or ragious anymore with the Hurter, about the Hurter, and their actions. I stood up to nonsense, but did not rage. I found things worth my anger.  Bigger and better things to get angry at. Like the injustices of the world –at all levels – personal, community, etectera. And my reaction was a choice. I could choose even then, if to get angry or not.

Boy did I weep. They [don’t know who] say that God sends an angel to collect your tears in a bottle as you shed them. Apparently each of them is a prayer. He – the angel was lugging a pool sized bucket to catch mine. I howled.  Tears and mucus. I turned in spa sized pools of prayers. Over and over and over again. I guess I prayer floated out of my weeping pain, because I did not drown. And it cleaned me up. It washed out my insides. For free – because crying is for free. I still cry, but not for me. I weep for the soul of the Hurter – what a mess, for people Hurted –what pain and damage, for the perpetuation of the Hurting into the next generation, for the orphan abused and reviled, for the sick and dying – especially those who have no God to cling to, for the loss of human dignity in Kibera and other such places, for the corrupt and sinful leadership of the nation, for the repentance of the people of this nation, for the conversion and revival that is coming to this nation. That is what I weep for. That is what burdens me. I am no longer burdened by me. 

My prayers were ego centric.  Why God why God why God why God why God why God – why me? Was the start, the middle and the end of my prayer. The post end would be – Help me help me help me help me help me help me – help me God! Ad infinitum. How narrow prayered was I. I blush to purple blue under my blackness [though political correctness requires I should identify as brown]. I never prayed for anyone else or anything else but I and my problems – okay, I lie – I was not all bad, I’d throw in a tidbit of prayer for others and their issues. But only a tidbit. Until I realised that my self centered prayers were really not serving anyone. And I found a different focus for my praying. Not me.  But the rest of you’all.  Send – prayer requests – for real.  Prayer line is open.

My self-talk was moaning. And gripping. And more moaning. With a splash of grousing. And a twist of grumble. Did I use to moan!  Girl [I used boy before, gotta be equal or equity-like nowadays] did I used to moan. It was an internal lamentationfest going on. Repeated in double triplicate. Constantly.  And what did it do for me, but bring me to the dark dumps. I still get there sometimes, but it’s usually for just a moment. And then I repent, and tell myself all these wonderful things about my life, my God, and the whole wide world.  I get an internal praise festival going and into gratitude mode.  And I say, “Thank You, Thank You Father.” Sometimes I wonder what I am on, I kinda know, but I haven’t found its unique name for me –don’t tell me your name for it, I have to find my name for it. Whatever it is, I’ll take a double of it, all through the moments of my life.

For long, no one and no one understood what I was going through. That was okay. But what was not, was my need to make people understand, especially those close to me. My mother, my sister, my friends, the Hurters friends, the counsellor. I got responses such as;
·         We know you – it must be something you are doing.
·         You are not a good wife, the submissive wife.
·         You are hard of heart.
·         Think of the children.
·         My husband speaks and acts the same, I do not understand what your problem is.
·         You are just angry – why not go away for a few days or a week, take a break, and when you come back, everything will be different.
·         Beware – keep your man for there will come a time that seven women will cling to one man, saying to him, just give us your name.
No one got it. Even when they saw some of it. They rationalised it to fit a reality they clung to, that was logical. They did not understand that there was nothing based on reason about what I was talking about, and this was beyond reasonable grasp, because this was irrational. I wondered if they were handicapped. I wondered if I was handicapped. Then I realised that their lack of understanding and comprehension was part of the problem that I was creating for myself. I decided I was not going to explain it to anyone anymore. I would not talk about it anymore. It just was not worth the emotion and effort I required I invest into that conversation. Recitation and nattering on and on and on about it, were serving me nothing apart from a growing frustration, and thus self inflicted pain. No nattering. No needing understanding or absolution from others. I am okay with you not understanding. I am actually more than okay. I don’t care if you get it or not.

I love my pain.  It was precious to me. Some flee pain. Literally and mentally.  I gollumed it.  Caressed it to. Made it my precious. It think I hang on to it as a sort of penance seeking for some form of absolution. I don’t know. I still do feel pain. Of course I do –I’m merely human. Sometimes it blindsides me, and wells up unexpectedly, and I am left gasping. And I realise that freedom from clinging to pain is a process, just like many things in ife. Now, when the pain comes, I face it, and pray it. I turn the pain, no matter how big and small, no matter the degree of uncomfortablity, into a prayer. And it gives me solace. On the item or situation or person, that is the pain causer.

I got blamed. For so many things, even the Hurting – I was the reason I was being hurt. I blamed me too, many times for things that were not of me, and even for allowing myself to be blamed. I actually sat down and would recount the thingini mess that was and I would find various points of blame and allocate a fair share to me. Then a big point arrived, and poked the blame outa me, and said I got off off off – scot free. I was blameless. I was perfect. In fact next to the Hurter, I was a saint, plus an angel. Okay okay – not yet angel, but its process – right? A baby angel, a cherub? Release from the blaming were like the golden frizzle balls thrown on the frosting – they just give that zing to the whole cake eating experience of no reproach. I had my cake and was eating it too.

I kinda knew them. Boundaries.I kinda had them. But there were really weak. And would be bludgered and cudgelled until caved in. I also thought that unlimited giving to those I cared for was kinda okay because – heeey, I loved them. I was mocked with the Beatitudes. Love and boundaries was a grey area. Until now. I love you, and I love me even more. I start here. I stop here. You stop outside outside of where I stop. And yes – you can call it is selfish. And no – I am not moving the boundary. In fact – please take two steps back, a turn to the left, another, and march off!  Don’t look back. Nyakega – the good one, usually said derisively – died, and in her stead is me.

I still believe in people.  I believe in the innate goodness of people. That people are good. That nurture and sometimes nature warp good people. I will believe you are good until you show me otherwise. I believe you when you show me who you are, it truly is who you are are are. I d’int before. I excused what you showed me. I believed the spoken sorrys. And forgot that you had said sorry before, again again again again and again. And still did the same thing again to me. Because I did not believe, I suffered. Remorse is not atonement. Atonement speaks. Changed behaviour speaks. In loud action. Now - I believe. Most of all – I believe I believe my glass with nothing is waiting to be filled.  I believe my glass is half full. And that my overfull, overflowing cup has to pour out in order for me to sip. Poured out to the good of others.

There are some who say that you should never walk away, and that is not our way, especially when it comes to family – parent, sibling or child. Spouses, they cannot come to agreement on, and can be either end of the spectrum, to loose or keep. I thought the same. Until I had to let go. I value relationships. Too much, some would say, and have said. But I am now resigned to saying goodbye, quickly and easily when the relationship is irredeemable. Though there are some I say goodbye to that do not leave until their reason in my life is done. If you change, by atonement, by action, you may get a chance. But the terms of our relationship will not be what they were before.  New terms. And I will never forget.

I knew it. I said it. The Hurter was attracted to me, coz I was awesome. I yam who I yam, and I yam tops. Then the tops was too much –for the Hurter. And had to be got rid of. And I saw that if it was got rid of, the Hurter would probably move up to another, who is tops like I am. But I digress. I saw my tops being chopped, and I said – nooooo! And that is how I kept my tops. I wonder if I should keep the Hurter so that they do not ruin another awesome person – not that they have ruined me, but they have really tried.  I am too much. I am extra. I will keep it that way.

Before I would enter into spaces without thinking about if I should be there. I still forget sometimes, and then I am quickly booted out. Yes, have been thrown out of spaces. Some literally – can you please leave, for you have no right to be here. Others – more quietly and subtly. But the outcome is the same. I used to shed tears, feel sad, unworthy, wonder what it was about me that caused it. I now look at the exiting like I would a physical fall. And that, I have always handled with aplomb. I remember once losing my step and slip slip slip slipping more erratically with each step, call call calling, along a corridor, and finally my outstretched hand reaching the a wall, as I landed on the ground. I stayed down and laughed my head off. No embarrassment. I had no fear of what people would think of me, say of me – it was after all an accident. Now – after my non physical falls, I pick myself up, wipe myself off quickly, and reflect as I walk on. I am free and liberated, and only my God cares about me really, so that’s who I should worry about. And the thing is – I know He is the one who sends me out of those spaces. So now, I always always ask – Father, should I go through this door, what’s on the other side, and most of all, will you come with me. So when I get thrown out, I leave in His good company.

I was on the move all the time. Doing. Going. Meeting. And even solitude had activities. Movies. Reading. No silence. Because silence led to introspection, and that was not good – too much in there. Now I have nothing days. Nothing planned. Nothing done. Apart from listening. Being silent. Okay, I get distracted alikubit, but silence is now my friend. And I have found out a lot happens in the silence. Be still, He said. And I am learning.

The process of reflection, I carry out in journaling. I started out without knowing why. Subconsiously I have come to realise, it was because I wanted a witness to my truth, someone who believed me. My journal believed in me. When no one else did, and things got twisted and I would doubt my memory of things said and done, and events – my journal still believed. Now – my journal is my biggest tool for my personal development and growth, healing and redemption. Over and beyond that, my journal got me into using words as my creative medium. I miss drawing and painting and sewing and crafting  –I should get back to at least some of them. The intention is there for I have bought all the stuff I need. Meanwhile, I write everything. Yes I do.  Because if it is not written, it does not exist – for me at least.  And words are real.  Ideas are real.  And make everything that happens real.

I had my worship upside down. The Hurter was like a god to me. They came first in my life. I found out I had priority in life inversed. God came first.  Should always come first. Then me. That is right. And fitting. Truly it is right and fitting, because without God, neither I or the Hurter, would be here. The Hurter was a choice I made, and truly can be unmade.

Is a noun. Trust is a verb. It is the living out of that faith. In complete belief, confidence and the reliability of God. It came to me slowly. No Damascus moments for me, thank you. And that was probably for my good. Loud voice, white flashing light and blindness would have probably have left me still on that road eons later  – He surely does know His sheep. It weakens – my faith, but the seeking heart – never.

I hought love was a feeling. That came over one, and one experienced. Until I met true love. In a roundabout fashion. It is a story I started writing and have done a few blogs pieces on, but have yet to complete – I really should. The points of the story – I did not love myself, so how could I know what love was. I wondered on how to love myself. And purposed to love me. And the only way was to go to the source of that love. God. God is love. The reason I did not love myself, was because I had not accepted love from the source of it. So I accepted the love of God. And it is the most amazing thing that has so far happened to me. Orgasmic. For real. From the outside of me, the inside of me, all together combined, because God is everything and everywhere.

I lived in fear. Google says fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm. I was afraid of anything and everything, anyone and everyone. I sought the source of my fear. Was it from my inside, or my outside. What did I think kwas dangerous, painful, or harmful? I read up on fear. The answer that made sense for me, was that fear was the absence of peace. And thus I sought for peace. Peace that surpasses all understanding. And thrives in all situations, good or bad. Calmness. Tranquillity.

Sin spots. I have them. Everybody has them. I enjoyed them. Revelled in them. Because nothing of importance seemed to be working. Until I knew that I was greater than where I was. And sought to leave the spots. Repented over and over again. As a heart for God was born. And within it, a need to be worthy to stand in His presence. The body is weak, and often I fall short, but His grace, His grace.

"I spent many years creating and executing my own plans, asking the Lord to bless them. One day I understood that instead of always trying to get the Lord to bless what I wanted to do, it was much simpler to find out what the Lord wanted to bless, and simply do THAT." So said Chip Brogden, “an author, teacher, and former pastor who shares "real, simple, truth" about a Christ-centered faith based on relationship, not religion”. And that has been my biggest change. I try not to make it about me, but about God.

But God
Ephesians 2:1-9 [NIV] is titled ‘Made Alive in Christ’. Yes I was, and I am, and will be made alive in Christ. ‘As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.’e

But for God, I would be exactly the person I was in my past. I have changed. Yes I have. And that excites me, thrills me to no end. I certainly cannot boast, because it is not from myself, but is a gift from God – the greatest gift of all.

The landscape around me is pretty bleak. A trio of trees. A number of shrubs. Some scrub. A trickle of nourishment – just enough, for what I need today. It is like I drew it all in and left nothing outside of me. I stand still. The enemy is raging outside, within sight, and I stand still. Next to My Shepherd. And I know He knows how to tend my fold and provide for me. In all ways. My backend office is being defined right and streamlined. There is mighty room improvement now and always. We [the God and I mix] did not work right for a long time. But now that I know better, I am definitely going to do better.  So help me God.

In thankfulness. Of His great love, His rich mercy and His grace.

I serve!



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