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Showing posts from September, 2019

Hurt people hurt people series – 3 – The Hurted

image from One day you will get to your first rock bottom.  It will not be the last.  It will be the first in a series of rock bottoms.  You will push off from the bottom.  And surge through the miasma of the Hurting.  You will gasp in a false hope.  And dive back into the pool of thick hurt.  Into a deeper bottom.  With greater pressure.  Over and over again.  Until you reach your last rock bottom. One day you will grow tired.   Of being tired.   You will give up on the repeat cycle that is your life of hurting.   You will give up on tired and decide to be unwearied of your circumstances.   You will open the tap and start to run the tired out.   You will watch the scum swirl above the outward conduit of the drain.   You will unblock the flotsam that plugs it from time to time.   It will be dirty work.   But you will retain the plunge.   The draining will expose the s...

Hurt people hurt people series – 2 – The Hurter

image from “Who hurt you?” is a common question posed sometimes by the Hurted, as they try to understand the Hurter. If you have received hurt – you are the Hurted.   If you hurt people – you are the Hurter.   And the process is Hurting. The Hurted somehow, has began to understand that there is something wrong with the Hurter.   It may be a rhetoric question, or some urge bubbling forth from their subconscious.   They really do not expect an answer, at this point, but are speaking out their realisation. “Hurt people hurt people” is more than a clever phrase; it’s a sad truth.   Hurt people hurt others because they themselves have been hurt.   Each one of us has been hurt to one degree or another.   But just as there are as many remembrances and different descriptions of an event, there will be different reactions from individuals – eve...

At the cross

image from Pick up your cross and follow me Hug the cross Clinch at the cross Embrace the cross Adore the cross Pick up your cross and follow me At your cross is redemption At your cross is the work of salvation At the cross is sanctification Eternal redemption Pick up your cross and follow me At the cross is love That overturns the world Shakes foundations Lives for ever Pick up your cross and follow me The cross will love you The cross will pour into you Give you life For ever Pick up your cross and follow me The cross will nurture you The cross will uplift you And bring you honour For its own sake

Hurt people hurt people series – 1 – The Hurting

image from Hurt people hurt people is actually a title of a book by Dr Sandra Wilson.  She says that it is more than just a cleaver phrase, that it is a sad truth.  I concur. If you have received hurt – you are the Hurted.   If you hurt people – you are the Hurter.   And the process is Hurting. The Hurted may or may not remember when the Hurting started, they may sometimes not know what is going on – all they sense is that there is something not quite right, not quite sane about this whole space and issue, but you cannot put your finger on it – but something is not right. An innocent conversation about an issue, that sounds, feels, whiffs of an accusation –from you to the Hurter, no matter how gently put, how true it is, will turn into a full fledged word clash that twists and turns, writhes and escapes, ducks and weaves, flees and returns.   It will be like trying to contain the mouths of a multi headed...