image from putacupinit I have just gone through one period without using a disposable menstrual product, and I am excited and I have to tell it all. I had two oopsies, but that was because attention to detail was not paid – I ignored the bubble once, and was too lazy to check if the cup was open the second instance –yes, I’ve let it slip, I am now using a menstrual cup. Both instances had me hotfooting myself to the bathroom to clear up mabloods on maclothes. I’ve not used any backup, I was at home and safe enough Anywhooo, here is the story from the lips or rather the mouth of my vagina herself...... “ She has done things to me, that I really have not liked. She put in me a tampon in my youth. I was in my teens. I heard the conversation. Yes I have ears as well as lips. You won’t see them – they are invisible. But I hear things. There was a swimming gala, and the houses were very competitive. All good swimmers had to swim, said head of house. P’s or no P’s. There was...
A pundit is an expert, a learned person,a source of opinion, a critic. Sometimes the word can be used in a negative sense to classify someone who has definite opinions, but does not have the expertise to back them up. Punditic - the adjective. Pundi - the unknown factor in myspeak. I am not yet punditic - it is a purpose, a goal, and each step is purposeful in itself, and meanwhile I freely offer my thoughts and opinions! Feedback and comments welcomed.