Compliance, “the state or act of complying with a fixed standard, regulation, or requirement with
or agreeing to do something” versus responsibility, “the state, fact, or position of being accountable to somebody or for something”.
I have been thinking about this for a while now, especially
with respect to how I work.
Do I work because I have to comply to the rules set in the
organisation, or do I work because I make it my personal responsibility to
fulfill the obligations the organisation has placed on me?
Do I work so that I do not receive a “show cause why”
letter? Do I work because of the
consequences of breaking the rules and not meeting the requirements? Or do I work because I understand what I do and
why I do it?
What kind of person am I, if I work towards compliance? What kind of organisation do I work for, if
they accept that I work towards fulfilling only standards and requirements?
The characteristics of a person who works for the sake of compliance,
is mindless obedience, doing what they are told, not questioning any order and
an inability to take any decision or make a stand. Is this the person I want to be? A Nazi-like prole?
The characteristics of a person who is responsible are
competence, honesty, loyalty, hard work, dependability and one who takes pride
in what they achieve. Is this the person
I want to be?
How I work is who I am.
That is why I ask “Is this the person I want to be..”. I believe that my every action, be it
accidental has an impact on the person I am.
They say that when I repeat the action, it is a coincidence, and when it
happens yet again, it turns into a habit.
My habits are me. They are my
acquired behaviour, that becomes me.
They are my attitudes, the way I conduct myself, my established disposition, the character of my thoughts and feelings.
So, if I am compliant based individual at work, repeating
this conformity over and over again, I become a drony kind of person. If I am a responsible person, geared towards
taking control over my work, who can take a stand and make decisions, whilst seeking
to improve my circumstances, then that is the kind of person I want to be. I want responsibility. I want to be free to grow in my work life and
as a person.
For an organisations perspective – which person would I
rather have on my staff? The drone or
the freedom seeking responsible person? Compliance
seeking organisations condition their staff like The Party in George Owell’s
1984, by using whatever methods necessary.
They create irresponsible people.
Irresponsible people, who fail in their jobs, fail their teams, fail to
grow as individuals. Responsibility seeking organisations on the
other hand free their people to do their work and grow in value. And as the people grow themselves, they build
value for the organisation.
Can I be truly free and responsible? Am I am mix of compliance and responsibility? Is this good for me? Or bad for me?
Harry Brown, WND, 02/21/2002 at 1:00 AM, How to make people
more responsible,
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