I am tall, dark and handsome – women can be handsome
I am above average in intelligence, humour and
I am very emotionally.
I care too much. I give too much –
not the money, don’t have much of that to give, but of myself.
I am trying to kill the bad habits and nurture the
good ones. Grow the right attitudes and
build a quality belief system.
I like the good life.
I want to live the good life. A
clear morning view of hills, valleys, lakes; with a hot cup of tangawizi tea,
sitting on my patio, as the herds-boys release the gamboling yearlings far off
in the distance, etcetera etcetera.
Reversed at sunset by a bottle of warm whitecup or three, nice fryup
sizzling, family and friends mingling, thankful for a productive day – or not
productive, depending on what my choice was.
I want to have a choice. Of what I will do today, and where I will do it.
I do not know where I am going in my life – but i know
i am going where I am meant to be.
I am at a cusp.
Anything can happen. Everyday is
an adventure. Learning new things. Doing new things. Going new places – physically and
mentally. Meeting new people – my constantly
renewing self included.
I scare myself.
I do things and think thoughts I never ever ever could have imagined of
I am excruciatingly scared, yet thrilled and thankful to be me
right now.
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