I attended a talk recently. It was organised by a network group for women
in entrepreneurial activities – fempreneurs we are called. The talk was given by a lady who runs her own
business. Successfully I might add. She runs her businesses successfully. She talked of how she had made it. Her failures and her successes. She shared openly. Some things she said struck a cord with me,
others didn’t, or I cannot remember them - I am an adult learner. Attention span zero. Retention rate, slightly above zero if it makes my meaning.
One of the things she talked about
was staff. Hiring staff. And staff leaving. Your organisation. And thus you.
The reason I remember that one item so well was because someone else,
somewhere else, in a later conversation, was really disgruntled but at the same
time relieved when an employee left them.
And this was our thought process.
So you get excited with your
hires? The one you know will just fit
into your organisation? Or your
house? Gel just right with everyone. Will work with you for ages? And then, abracadabra they leave. Gone.
Sometimes you see the departure
coming. Sometimes you want them to
leave. They never lived up to the
perceived promise, but the hassle of dealing with hiring someone new, getting
them up to speed, makes you keep the current soooooo below par performer who is
driving you crazy. And when they leave,
of their own accord, for whatever reason you are like ‘hallelujah’, saved me
from that conversation plus the money in lieu of notice.
Sometimes you do not see the
departure coming. One minute they are
there. The next gone. And it hurts.
Imagine it does. Or used to.
But I learnt. Bit by bit.
That employees are just that.
Employees. And need no investment
of myself. The only thing they need is
money from me. Period. You work.
I pay you. According to your
work. You have a relationship with your
pay check. My business writes you the pay
What you want is a pay check,
money. So just like anything else my
business has to buy, it buys you. The
resource. I manage you – the resource,
and use you well. Utility is key. Resources costs money. I must look after my money. You work – you get paid. No bonuses.
No rewards. No days off. No freebies.
No emotions, no hopes. No one
gives out medals for having too much heart, for being caring, being a giver. Giver of myself. Investing so much of my expectations on you
and others of your elk. For now I am
unoptimistic with you. I know you are a
taker. Looking out for yourself.
And over time, it has stopped
hurting. I do not take it
personally. When you leave me. It doesn’t bother me any more. I have got rid of expectations. I watch myself. And when I find myself about to give space to
expectations, I pause, pull back and move on.
You want to go now? Okay - hand over and see you. Which bothers me a bit. My detachment. What have you turned me into? But I need to look out for myself. For my business.
I may like you. See your potential. But your value for me, right now, is what you
are doing for me, for my business, right now.
And not the fulfillment of your potential, ten years down the line. That is your business, not mine.
All I should be, is fair. To you my resource. If I am very very lucky, I may one day meet
some humans. But meanwhile,
Image from http://www.wackybuttons.com
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