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Showing posts from April, 2015

Thou shalt judge

I started writing this as a give and take, between person A and person B.  And they were discussing C.  And C's actions and life.  And basically A was saying that C was evil, or rather C's actions were evil, wrong, a sin and C was hot footing it to hell. B on the other hand was asking A - who are you to judge and adding that if A was without sin, then then A could cast stones. Bystanders, the bible thumping kind joined the sinning and judging fray, and surprisingly there were different quotes supporting both sides.  They are many.  Those on judgement, who should judge and who should not judge and to whom judgement belongs to.  And those on sinning and definitions of sin, and what happens too sinners.  Verses were dropping all over. On both sides of the divide.   Verses were used however.  In no context whatsoever.  Who cared about the meaning, so long as you could quote the chapter and verse, even half the verse, and ...

I am a perfect lady

My words are strong.   Very strong.   Sometimes too strong.   Wince causing strong language. I have many lines of defense.   The first one is that I speak it or write as it comes.   Is that a good defense? That if I changed the words it would not be my original thoughts? Another line of defense- if I try to change the words, then the message, the meaning of what I was saying is lost.   And I cannot allow that to happen, now can I? I can argue it is my style.   That I do not know any other way.   It is like walking.   I can only walk a certain way, have a certain gait.   Worse still – like breathing.   I cannot change the way I breathe, now can I? They scare me by the way.   The strong words.   Because I wonder if I will ever know when it is just too much, when I am too much. They shock me too actually.   When I examine the things I said, the things I wrote.   And I am like – was that me? ...

Execution of a marriage

After a certain number of years of marriage, and you are still married, as happily as you thought you should be and would be, you need to kneel down and thank the good Lord, or whatever deity on nondeity you subscribe to. Reason?   You have tangled, examined each other, weighing in, judging in, and have found your marriage wanting.   What is that bible verse? Mene mene tekel what?   Upharsin – yes? Mene, mene tekel upharsin. The marriage has been mene’d mene’d.   You have counted it.  Individually.  Together. Severally.  Probably numbered it - on a scale of one to ten.   And it has been found wanting, lacking, oppressive, unhappy, deficient, miserable, bad,  untenable, harmful.   The writing is on the wall. It is not working.   Final analysis - the days of the marriage are clearly numbered.   Impending doom is gathering.   A division of the two that had became one.   It is a heartbreaking, unfortuna...

Resource and human

I attended a talk recently.   It was organised by a network group for women in entrepreneurial activities – fempreneurs we are called.   The talk was given by a lady who runs her own business.   Successfully I might add.   She runs her businesses successfully.   She talked of how she had made it.   Her failures and her successes.   She shared openly.   Some things she said struck a cord with me, others didn’t, or I cannot remember them - I am an adult learner.   Attention span zero. Retention rate, slightly above zero if it makes my meaning.   One of the things she talked about was staff.   Hiring staff.   And staff leaving. Your organisation.   And thus you.   The reason I remember that one item so well was because someone else, somewhere else, in a later conversation, was really disgruntled but at the same time relieved when an employee left them.   And this was our thought process. So you ge...