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Work environment a, b, c.....

Lets talk about your work environment.

Environment A:  Organisation where your freedom and responsibility is zero, and authority given to you the employee, is only over people attempting to steal from the company, the arrangement of stock on the shelves or over the cockroaches and other such like pests in the premises.  Your opinion does not matter.  You should be seen hard at work and have no idle moments.  You continually wipe and shine the table and glass doors.  You only answer when spoken to.  You should do only what you are told to do,  You should not think, let alone tell yourself to do anything.  Instruction are bellowed at you especially if there is any change in normal operations or any special request to fulfill a customer request .  "Wewe - LETA LETA KITU HAPA.  CHAP CHAP SONGA.  PANA LALA"!  Drudgery and slavery - thy face is this!

Environment B:  An organistions where the mantra is freedom and responsibility - with freedom comes responsibility, and none can come or go without the other.  Coupled with this you receive little pieces of authority.  Thinking is allowed, but has to be primarily self censored least you speak something that will offend the freedoms and sensibilities of those around or next to you.  If self censorship does not occur - the others will "gently" guide you to speak, act, talk, walk, behave, work in the collegial manner.  Decision making happens - after the collegial brain has psycho-analysed, socio-analysed, micro and macro-analysed, digi-analysed, swotted, caused and effected; all these and more from fundamental, technical and sentimental and any other view necessary.  Action will finally take place, or never, depending on the collegial mood.  Mental, physical and emotional fatigue coupled with severe frustration are common emotions you will experience.  At night you dream of irresponsible freedom!

Environment C:  Unchained freedom is the common denominator.  Responsibilities are fluid and highly mobile.  Two to three of us will be assigned the same work at the same time.  Authorities overlap - it is up to you to sort out who will do what, where and when.  The lingua franca for all concerned - the unifying modus operandi, is freedom with no responsibility or accountability.  Strongly fermenting in lack of knowledge and feedback.  You do what you want, when you want, how you want.  Nobody cares.  Nobody knows what is supposed to happen.  Nobody checks.  At the end of the day, somehow - things happen, or do not happen.  Nobody sends you away.  No one gets fired.  You will one day not turn up to work - it will take a while for this to be noticed, but confusion simply tired you.

Environment D:  No freedom.  No responsibility.  No authority.  The only thing that can happen is BAU -business as usual.   Work is done the way it has always been done.  No one knows why it was done that way in the first place, but you cannot change anything.  Not because you do not want to change work processes or outputs but because you do not have the authority to assume said responsibility.  You cannot handle any change or unusual circumstances.  No one can.  Work is seen as group work - no one is responsible for any one process or output.  Unusual situations (incident A) are just ignored until they cannot be ignored any more.  Then a commission of inquiry led by the group and with no determined output is put in place.  Before the commission can produce its report on incident A, incident B will occur and the focus of inquiry shifts to B.  Sooner than later C will happen and the same scenario is replayed.  A backlog is formed.  No problem is ever diagnosed to root cause or preventive action status.  Two years down the line when A happens again one of two things will ensue - no will even remember it had ever previously occurred or someone will face the chopping block.  So, to ensure we never change and never improve, policing is key. No one can do anything without anyone overlooking their every action.  If you make a fault, the “investigation and the court case” will drag on forever, no sentencing or rehabilitation will ever take place.  You ensure you are never caught by making sure others are heading towards the chopping block before you.  At all time, you ensure you “see and tell” and meanwhile get the rest of the gang on your side, so that you can backstab then before they stab you.  Since you cannot grow upwards, we mire ourselves down, taking pot shots at everyone else and earning marks from whoever is dishing them out.  Blood and gore accompany every penny earned.

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