An article I read recently dwelt on how bloggers earn their daily bread by influencing our thinking, our opinions, and actions with a focus on non-edifying aspects. The article placed as at the bottom of the food chain and labeled us “bottom feeders”, for gobbling up the vileness that social media and gossip blogs dish out.
I looked up bottom feeders, and would encourage you to do the same. In this context, there is really no definition I feel most comfortable with. Imagine being “someone who profits from things cast off or left over by others.” or “an opportunist who profits from the misfortunes of others”, or “an objectionable and unimpressive person or thing”.
Are you a bottom feeder? Do you gobble up others’ rubbish? Do you gain from other people’s ill fortune? Are you an objectionable person? Are you really that low? That vile? Am I? Am I vile?
Yes I am. It is true. I admit it. I am a bottom feeder.
some level yes – I love crap. I love what’s at the bottom of the pool.
It is deliciously stinky and juicy - so yummy. The dirtier, filthier and
viler the crap is, the more I gobble it up. The people feeding me with
crap, to make their daily bread, know this about me. I love those people
too - because they feed me what I love. I gobble up their crap as I earn
them money. We are in a mutually beneficially crappy relationship.
How delicious. How gluttonously symbiotic.
brings me to the next self reflective question – why do I love this crap?
Am I just by nature low? Created nasty, sinful and mean?
Uncivilised and selfish? And the person who was to teach me better -
mamake or ulimwengu - never did teach me better?
Why do I “hate on” people so much? Why do I love to pull people down? Anyone who I perceive to be better than I in any aspect – fame, beauty, wealth, brilliance, generosity, influence, selflessness?
the miserable life I live, the broken home and immoral rotten society I come
from, and the crap I take in everyday from every facet facing my life, the
poverty, the selfishness that fuels me, have an impact on who I am. Does
this make it hard for me to be benevolent, kind, uplifting, edifying or
virtuous? Does anyone teach me virtue? Has anyone ever bothered?
Even by word alone and not deed? Did they ever tell me “do as I say and
not as I do”?
No one taught me. No one bothered with me. My parents failed me and gone are the days when a child was brought up by the village. Society has failed me. Society reinforces sin and evil, and virtue and kindness are mocked. Sainthood is abhorrent, and Satan rules!
If one person tries to rise above me, above us, we beat him down! How can we allow anyone to become better than us, better than me? What we so secretly desire to be or unconsciously wish we could be. How can we allow others to achieve a measure that I cannot achieve? Hell never!!
Remember the saying - We measure ourselves by those who measure themselves against us. Which means that I measure myself by those who measure themselves against me. So the more that are measuring ourselves with me, the better I feel. The virtuous are very few, so do I want to have a few measure themselves against me, or rather the majority. I would like to be first amongst many, thus I choose to wallow with the majority. And if it so happens that there is no one leader in the seething vileness at the bottom of the pond – who cares? "Majority rules" needs no leader anyway.
image from
Bottom feeder - katekalis:-).