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Showing posts from February, 2018

Transition. Seasons.

My desktop for the last two years has been A return to love by Marianne Williamson .  From the time I read it, the start line resonated with me, has resonated with me for a long time.  I have examined fear multiple times; here and here and here , and that is just the tip of the iceberg.  A lot of my fear exams are undocumented.  A return to love starts with, ‘Our deepest fears, is not that we are inadequate.  It is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light and not our darkness that most frightens us’.  The darkness has offered me security in its familiarity.  In fact, I have often reveled in the darkness.  In the darkness, no examination of anything can occur.  And though this has not been comfortable, again there has been an assurance in its familiarity.  Stepping out into the light for me, has happened and has been threefold.  One, it has been an admission and a facing of the latent fears that hav...