I am going to heaven in high heels. In nice funky to-die-for [I can only die once hahahaha] heels. Orange heels. That’s my current colour. Yet I have no orange heels. Sad. They may have splashes of other colours. Awesome looking no pain orange heels. As comfy as sneakers. Stilettos or wedges, I really don’t care. So long as I can kumbayah and walk the gold paved streets with no blisters. In heaven I will have a cavernous closet. No fights with anyone, spouse included, about my encroaching clothes into their wardrobe space. No collapsing clotheshorses burdened with 20 years of clothes. No shoes pilled higgledy piggledy at the bottom of every closet in the house. No shoes soldier arrayed under my bed. There will be shoe racks with enough space for my single coloured, multicouloured, single soled, double soled, soft soled, no sole, slip on, tie up, muled, strapped, baby dolled, strappy, formal , clothe, plea...
A pundit is an expert, a learned person,a source of opinion, a critic. Sometimes the word can be used in a negative sense to classify someone who has definite opinions, but does not have the expertise to back them up. Punditic - the adjective. Pundi - the unknown factor in myspeak. I am not yet punditic - it is a purpose, a goal, and each step is purposeful in itself, and meanwhile I freely offer my thoughts and opinions! Feedback and comments welcomed.