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Showing posts from September, 2014


Yell Yeller Yellest Yelling Constant Nagging Irritating Grinding Loud When you lose control and start yelling.   Do you ever stop to ask yourself – why? Is it about yourself?   Is it about showing people who’s in charge?   Is it about fueling your bad day? Searching for kindling in every sock left unmatched? And every speck undusted? Or every minute late? Is it about a pain? Your pain? Crying out to augment itself? And grow to what should not be? Where does it come from? What is it for? How does it help? Where do you go with it? When does it come? Why did it start? A mistake that worked And become a habit? An addiction? It is not cultural It is not inherited Is it learnt? Is loudness strength? The opposite of weakness? It loudness power? The antithesis of inability? Is it not possible To rationalize and control Your thoughts and your mind? Your words and your deeds? ...

Make it and Break it

An oft quoted adage - make it or break it.   Rhythmic expression.   Succeed or fail.   Something or burst.   Get there or die trying. The determined amongst us, the driven amongst us, are either making it or breaking it?.   But there are some not only making it, but also breaking it.   Yes – Success AND Failure? Make it and Break it? You succeed.   You get to where you were going.   You get to the goal.   And.   At the same time you fail?   Strange huh? But I have seen it.   You are soo set on getting to your goal, overwhelmingly driven to your end.   Totally target oriented.   Fanatic.   Blinders on to everything else.   Nothing else matters.   Nothing gets in the way.   Of your goal. And you get there. And when you get there – the goal is finished.   You stop and savour the moment.   And keep stopped.   And savouring.   And savouring.   And no...