God says, “Remember I too have a sense of humour”.
I pondered on this as I meditated on my hopes and aspirations. Mentally ruminated over my needs and
I examined where I was right now.
As I wondered where I would be in the next now. In the future.
I had an idea regarding how I got to where I was now.
I knew it was through my past.
My history. My moments joined
together by one commonality. Me.
I lived those moments. Active moments.
Action moments.
Achieving goals. In a plan.
Was there a plan?
I cannot remember a plan.
I think, that how I got to my now, might have been in the plan. The big plan for my life.
With goals. In the plan.
Did I ever make a plan? Or was
it a figment of my imagination.
That big plan of my life. That
brought me to where I am right now. That
on this day, at this instance, I would be right here.
Had I lived according to that plan?
Had I got here by design?
Was that how it worked? I do not
I know I am here. I know He is
With me. And yet, He still is my goal.
Twaddling. Boggling. Niggling.
So I have a plan. A real plan
this time. With fantastic design. And goals.
With posts. Or no posts. Or no goals.
And no plan.
My plan is to have no plan.
I have though. Love, Hope and Faith.
Trust and Grace.
I figure that, if needs He must laugh - a nice long cackle, I am glad
to make His day.
mentsh trakht un Got lakht (Yiddish)= man plans, God laughs (English)
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