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Showing posts from 2013

The brain inside the head of the "head of household"

We cannot over emphasise the importance of the man being the head of the home. The wife needs to understand this, and abide by it.  It is reiterated in the Bible, "the head of a wife is her husband" for it is not permitted for "a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet". It is an undisputed fact, the man is the head of the home.  This was reiterated to a couple whose nuptials we celebrated this weekend.  Underline that, capitalise,  largest font it, bold it, red it, italicize it, highlight it.   THE MAN IS THE HEAD OF THE HOME. Most women want men who are head of household.  They want a man of strength, who knows what he wants and who does what he should. Husband, being the head of the household, does not give you license to be rude, arrogant or abusive.  In effect it mandates you to love your wife sacrificially, just like Christ laid down his life for the church.  A...