image from I’m reading my old journals. And I am looking at my notes for Restless [a study guide by Jenny Allen], precisely the session on suffering. Coincidentally I am also listening to Jeff Cavins, “When you suffer – Biblical keys to hope and understanding”. Cavins gives a verse - Colossians 1; I rejoice in my suffering for you sake, and I fill up in my body, that which is lacking in the suffering of Christ. And also quotes from Pope John Paul II’s February 11,1984 Salvifici Doloris [salvific meaning of suffering], paraphrasing paragraph 27 – What is lacking in the suffering of Christ. Nothing, but that you can come to know the love of God. He has made room in His suffering for you to participate. The springs of divine power gush forth precisely in the midst of human weakness. Those who share in the sufferings of Christ preserve in their own sufferings a very special particle of the infinite treasure o...
A pundit is an expert, a learned person,a source of opinion, a critic. Sometimes the word can be used in a negative sense to classify someone who has definite opinions, but does not have the expertise to back them up. Punditic - the adjective. Pundi - the unknown factor in myspeak. I am not yet punditic - it is a purpose, a goal, and each step is purposeful in itself, and meanwhile I freely offer my thoughts and opinions! Feedback and comments welcomed.