Anthony deMello, Walking on Water – Lord give me the grace to know what to change and to change it, to accept what can't be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference. Acceptance that there are things that cannot be changed is painful. To realise within the heart, that no matter what one wants, no matter what one does, nothing is going to change. Of the situation/person/relationship/place/yourself even. That there are some things one just has to accept as is, let go, resign to them. Irregardless of how deep one’s longing is, how great one’s hope is, how great one’s faith is, how anguished one’s praying is. It just will not change. The pain at that realisation. The pain. The anguish to come to that acceptance. And that one’s time, thoughts and actions, efforts and energies would be better used in wise acceptance, or elsewhere all together. And yet elsewhere is not an option. Psalm 136 – 1 [NKJV] Oh, give than...
A pundit is an expert, a learned person,a source of opinion, a critic. Sometimes the word can be used in a negative sense to classify someone who has definite opinions, but does not have the expertise to back them up. Punditic - the adjective. Pundi - the unknown factor in myspeak. I am not yet punditic - it is a purpose, a goal, and each step is purposeful in itself, and meanwhile I freely offer my thoughts and opinions! Feedback and comments welcomed.