About God - why am I stubborn? Why do I not obey? Comply? I keep on asking myself this. And keep on not finding the answer. Not the commandments. Those are clear. Thou shall, thou shalt not. And yes – I flounder even in those – but I am not talking about the commandments now. I’m talking about the other things, the clear nudgings, the loud messages that come to me from God. In all manner of ways. Why do I not obey? What is obedience? Submission, “the action of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person”. Will or authority of God. Accepting that His wisdom for me is sufficient, His provision for action is sufficient? That His grace is sufficient? Trusting God? Easy words to say. But how to action them? Consciously and consistently? I know submission to Gods way leads to experiences God’s will in my life. To the living of His pl...
A pundit is an expert, a learned person,a source of opinion, a critic. Sometimes the word can be used in a negative sense to classify someone who has definite opinions, but does not have the expertise to back them up. Punditic - the adjective. Pundi - the unknown factor in myspeak. I am not yet punditic - it is a purpose, a goal, and each step is purposeful in itself, and meanwhile I freely offer my thoughts and opinions! Feedback and comments welcomed.