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Showing posts from February, 2017

I’m voting for nonsense!

It is a word.  A noun. ˈnänˌsens,ˈnänsəns/ 1.  spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense. "he was talking absolute nonsense" synonyms: rubbish, gibberish, claptrap, balderdash, blarney; informal:  baloney, rot, moonshine, garbage, jive, tripe, drivel, bilge, bull, guff, bunk, bosh, BS, eyewash, piffle, poppycock, phooey, hooey, malarkey, hokum, twaddle, gobbledygook, codswallop, flapdoodle, hot air dated;  bunkum, tommyrot vulgar slang; bullshit, crap, crapola "that’s a lot of damn nonsense” 2. foolish or unacceptable behavior. "put a stop to that nonsense, will you?" synonyms; mischief, naughtiness, bad behaviour, misbehaviour, misconduct, misdemeanour,               pranks, tricks, clowning, buffoonery, funny business informal; tomfoolery, monkey business, shenanigans, hanky-panky “she stands no nonsense” Nonsense.  Or Nanzzenzz in Keyanese. The word runs unbidden into my head...